Jun 17, 2023
In this special episode of Gotham Outsiders, we celebrate DC Pride 2023 with creators from the issue: A.L. Kaplan, Andrew Drilon, Hayden Sherman, and Marissa Louise. We discuss their stories from the anthology, "Love's Lightning Heart: A Multiversity Story," "Subspace Transmission,” and "Lost & Found: A Spirit World Story."
Alan: @alkcomics; alkcomics.com
Andrew: @andrewdrilon; lnk.bio/comicbooker
Hayden: @Cleanlined; haydenshermanart.com
Marissa: @marissadraws; marissadraws.tumblr.com
Chris: @themythofpsyche
TJ: @troyfin2
Gotham Outsiders: @GothamOutsiders
Music: Nick Oyler
Edited by: Chris Ceary
Logo: Aliza Layne